All your answers are right here!

The process take 5 to 20 days. It differs from each individual.

Yes, we guarantee complete removal of all negative items, we can dispute inaccuracies and outdated information.

We will inform you that all the credit bureaus have amended your credit profile based on the information and investigation we had lodged on your behalf.

Its easy!! You can start by contacting us via WhatsApp or sending an email to info@cleanitc.com.

Yes, we can help you get approvals and low interest rates. 

Yes, our team can help you overturn your bad credit score.

When you have a record of non-payments, defaults on your monthly instalments or judgments and debts that are in arrears, the credit bureau lists this information as a negative listing, that reflects on your credit profile.

Copy of your ID and proof of address.

We suggest you allow a minimum of 30 days and up to 45 days for the profile information to be updated.

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Please contact us for more information.

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